Lhoosk’uz Dené Nation Pow Wow & Cultural Event

“Our Grandfathers have come together and smoked on this matter for many moons and now this day has come.”

This years 4th Annual honouring the Youth Lhoosk’uz Pow Wow & Cultural event was a great success!  This Year all of the nations came together to make this a successful event! Traditional knowledge and stories were shared throughout the gathering. The main showcase was to show the youth’s success and how hard they have worked throughout 2013. The Lhoosk’uz Pow Wow & Cultural event was held on August 9th – 11th 2013 on the sacred grounds of Lhoosk’uz Dené Nation IR#1, where future events will also be held. Fabulous music, beautiful dancers and much laughter was shared and felt throughout the weekend. The chosen youth dancers danced alongside the host drum group “Four Stones” where singers and drummers sang together with many enthusiastic guests and elders. The Lhoosk’uz dancers performed many different types of dances which included: fancy shawl, jingle, grass, traditional, and inter tribal dancing. The beat of the drum, heart, and feet “all beat as one” as they danced in the newly rebuilt arbor. A 50/50 draw and Raffle tickets were also sold and half of all the proceeds went to the Lhoosk’uz Dené Pow Wow.

50/50 Winner –Bernard Chantyman!

Raffle Tickets

1st Prize – Nicole Boucher!

2nd Prize – Elvis Jimmie!

3rd Prize – Samantha Elkins!

Many thanks to all the sponsors, volunteers, RCMP and those who have donated their time and effort!

*To view the 2013 Lhoosk’uz Dené Nation Pow Wow Photo Gallery Click here*

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